POOL designs by LAND ART Landscape Architecture
the cost of

    The waterproof finishes that cover the pool shell should appeal to the homeowner's taste. A Marcite finish will be smooth in texture and appeals to those that have tender sking or young children who will sit on steps or swim out benches and a pebble finish might irritate their skin. The cost of a marcite finish for our 450 square foot sample pool wil. be approximately $4,500.00. For those desiring a harder more durable finish that is less succeptible to staining a pebble finish is desired. A pebble finish will come in three different grades. For our 450 square foot sample pool a fine grade pebble finish will cost $7,000.00, a medium pebble finish will cost 6,500.00 and a coarse pebble finish will cost $6,000.00. A tile finish might also be desired and can be calculated at the cost of tile which is in the next section.

    Concrete paver swimming pool decks

    The cost of a swimming pool deck.

    The cost of a swimming pool deck.

    The cost of a swimming pool deck.

    The cost of a swimming pool deck.

    The cost of a swimming pool deck.

Swimming Pool Design
Licensed Landscape Architect / Florida License No. 0001760